Data Science, STEM Practices, Pedagogy, Professional Development, Web Design, Graphic Design
SLI stands for STEM Literacies through Infographics. We developed a PD for teachers to teach data science in their STEM classrooms through student investigation into a topic of their choice, to create an infographic about issues they care about to share with their peers.
For this project, I provided in-classroom support for teachers to help their students navigate technical, narrative, and data issues. After the classroom phase, we decided that we wanted to provide more resources for teachers teaching STEM through infographics, and the general public to have more data support in creating infographics. I formatted the existing PD for teachers into a easy-to-follow self-guided PD online, and created many data support materials with my manager. These support materials addressed issues I’ve seen in the classroom, helping students identify various forms and data and create a logical graph. There are a set of pitfall documents that addresses issues that may be present in different types of graphs and suggests ways to fix them.